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I'm xinke from scss. My friends are candy and sweets ! We go to the Woodbridge everyday, And there we go, MOO & MEHHHHHH! :D
We both love to SCREAM, which is our hobby! We both hate smarties, because we're RETARDS! boldunderlineitalicstrikeout

[ ]a new pencil case. [X]a new modem. [ ]an ipod touch. [X]a good relaxing weekend break.

Headphones On

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Chatty Chatty

April 2010 ; May 2010 ; August 2010 ; September 2010 ; October 2010 ;

Judges In Action
bell_belle JiXuan_dear cheryl-chan 1E3 rox VR.1 1e3 rox Rach-el chiayee~kpop brid-get rina hanis-star yingyi_laughter caryn~seniorita Krishan~seniorita caiXinXinYing~seniorita nicole~seniorita kfckenneth sang myung Qianying Leo eddy shanice beatrice kylie

x x x
Saturday, October 9, 2010

today, i realised that my life reflects alot of things: happiness, sadness and mostly hate. y hate? because i've cut off alot of "frens" lately, call me cruel if u want, but there's living proof of wat those ppl had done. n whenever i think of them, i feel sad n regretful that i had to use that surname of mine, for all i've known, i have been decieved for 13 years. and now, the shroud of disappointment haunts me, sad but true, i wonder who else i held dear to me had turned their backs on me... from now on, i have a feeling i will nvr ever start to believe in others again.

♥ Ended
1:07 PM

Friday, October 8, 2010
changing in life...
hi ppl, haven't updated in a million yrs horh? haiz exams finally over, i a bit not use to it. stil thinking of routine hw... nvm. ok nth's really happened but i wanna share this little view point of life, chim...
"What I follow under these circumstances is a simple advice that my mom had taught me when I was a li'll kid - in order to effectively deal with begging back in India. I hand out my loose changes ONLY TO PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED AND/OR AGED PEOPLE. These are the really needy ones - having lost the capacity to lead an active working life - either through accidents/sickness or out of just plain old age. As for the rest 99% of them - I think begging is just an easier way out because they are outright lazy to go out and find some job for themselves. For most part my anger flares up - when I see able-bodied men/women begging by the roadside.. They are able enough to go do some physical labour that'd fetch them enough to get decent daily meals (I mean comeon - a full fledged Thai lunch would hardly cost you more than 30-40baht = $1 ). You don't even need any qualifications to take up such job - and such helping hands are much needed everywhere.

If I was ever forced into a situation like that and I was able-bodied, I'd definitely go do some sort of work - however "lowly" (if you don't believe in the dignity of labour, that is) it might be, rather than go around begging. I'd rather starve but not beg - as long as I'm capable to doing some work, somewhere.." ~adapted frm somewhere

"as i walked past the man in tattered clothes, my heart ached and i tossed a handful of notes into his outstretched arms. i always hated being around beggars, not because i hate them, but because i hate myself for being so helpless as to not having the power to help them. some ppl may think tat these underprivileged ppl are part of life, a transformation of thought due to news reports stating some stuff bout beggars being a fraud n how much they actually earn. my belief would be that even though there are such ppl out there, can u agree all such ppl are frauds? if anyone thinks that being a beggar to earn money is easy, u can go try it(not encouraging any1 to do it). ppl like these do need our help. i believe tat every1 shld do wat thry can to help these poor ppl. n not just be paranoid becos u r worried of being cheated of a few dollars n push those in need to a point of no return"


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1:58 PM

Sunday, September 12, 2010
movie trip wif frens
ok, movie trip rawked overall. movie was absolutely fantastic, except for the part wif annie... josephine arh, dunno she wit so small, scared for the weirdest parts. LOL. Qian Ying dunno pay ticket for wat, she nvr watch one. me n rachel laughing at the nuisances behind us narrate the sick side of the story. ying yi unglam, put leg on the in front chair back. got neo prints, wonder y i this time so unglam. had an epic time...

♥ Ended
4:20 PM

Monday, September 6, 2010
ppl plsre add me
ppl!!!!!!!! re add me on msn, sum1 hacked me n changed my password pls add me on yxk_97@hotmail.com thx!!!!!!!! my life sux woots HAIZ

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5:26 PM

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

HI PPL, again lol. today went to view YOG, volleyball. Cuba vs SRB(unknown country) CUBA WON woots!!!!! Classmates always say SRB team ppl damn hot. bridget nvr get autograph then damn sad. lol. The ticket cost:$10(lame) i thought it would be more ex. nvm at least i got to skip cca. Sunday's east coast park trip rawked. i kite flying then the sun cum chao tarh me. i now look so tanned. LOL. Favourite part was bike riding, had fun charging after my cousins n dodging their bike rams. Got too hyper after that. picked shells n let the waves drench me. went to wash my feet in the waves then come out dirtier then ever. THE SEA IS POLLUTED!!! so to anyone hu happens to past by n read this post PLS PLS do not litter at the beach.(i saw 1/2 eaten apples, watermelon skins n other ridiculous items floating about)

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8:21 PM

Sunday, August 22, 2010
hi ppl
Hi ppl, I'm back again!!!!!!! I'm just writing cause i've got nothing to do, LOL i m so random. ytd when to malaysia with my aunt, didn't manage to stash any bubble gum back cos i FORGOT. I slept at round 12 am HAIZ but still I wake up so early, later sure damn sleepy. EYEBAGS!!!!!! so ugly, but i can't seem to get rid of them... Iit's okay, my specs can cover that up. Looking forward to East Coast trip, but SO NOT looking forward to Lit. test on 23rd Aug(Mon) and sci. test on 26th Aug(thurs). Haiz so many tests, i haven't even finish memmorizing the Shrek quotes. PPL OF 1E3, STUDY 4 UR TESTS!!! JIAYOUS PPL!!! XOXO

♥ Ended
8:46 AM

Saturday, August 21, 2010
HI PPL, it's been so frikin' long since i last updated my blog, i might have 4gotten bout it oops or just lazy to do it LOL. it's okay, cos i'm here now, lot's of stuff have happened during the last few months. It's been tiring n heartbreaking, tat's for sure. One of the things tat i've came to know is the number (n who they r) of ppl who truly cares about me, although the results are rather disapointing, at least now i kno. I've also received a rather disappointing result from a overdose of relationship ouch it hurt, for a while at least. But it's okay, at least i kno tat when a story comes to an end, another lovelier one will begin. oh ya, Lia (our choir chair) has now officially been announced as our new sc chair. YAY!!! Looking forward to 2mr's picnic at East Coast Park, i seriously hope nothing horrendous happens (horrendous stuff happens on the events i look forward to, ALWAYS), til then, i hope to have a much more fruitful time then these past months. HAPPY WEEKENDS, PPL!

♥ Ended
9:33 PM